Regurgitating Rainbow Boa!!!
It's so upsetting! My baby Brazilian Rainbow Boa (currently 42g) can't keep a meal down. It was the second attempt to feed her and she regurgitated sometime in the night.
We have only had her for just over a week. Her humidity ranges from 50-70% and she has a humidity hide that is always 100% humidity. She has an heat pad and red light for the night, ambient temperature ranges from 75-85F (We have the day light on a timer).
She has decided to sit at the top of her cage under our day light (not making actual contact with the light) for a majority of the time which is concerning to me as I have been reading that they like cooler temperatures.
This is my fourth snake and I haven't had any of these issues with the others, so I am quite concerned.
We are going to leave her alone for the next couple weeks (no handling or feeding attempts) in order to get her stomach acids back up and I am going to bump up the humidity in her tank to about 85% stating today.
We had fed her a fuzzy mouse which would be the proper size for her but we are going to drop her down to a pinky in the next feeding in a couple weeks.
Is there anything else I can do? If she continues to regurgitate after the next attempt in a couple weeks, I'll be taking her to a vet. I monitor my snakes weight gain very closely so at the sign of any weight loss she will be taken in.
If anyone has had similar issues or any advice that I can additionally use I would be very thankful.