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Old 02-27-03, 05:56 PM   #1
ReneeB's Avatar
Join Date: May-2002
Posts: 609
Unhappy update on my health/pregnancy *kinda graphic*

Hello everyone,

I'm only posting this as I needed to let ppl know and can't deal with writing everyone an email/pm.
[again if you need to delete it go ahead]

Please bare with me if this is a little jumbled as I'm crying horribly as I type this.

Today I got the results from the biopsy back, it's bad and they need to remove my cervix and uterus. We listened for the baby's heartbeat and it couldn't be heard, but this is a common thing before 20 weeks as the baby can still "hide" under the pubic bone and you can't hear it. As a standard thing they performed an ultrasound today and the tech was REALLY quite. She went and got a doctor to come in and he told me what I already knew. The baby's heart wasn't beating. They tried a couple of things and they couldn't get the heart to beat. So officially on Feb 27th, 2003 the baby is pronounced dead. The complication is that my body isn't "letting go" and they need to perform a complete hysterectomy on me within the next 2 weeks to remove my serverely damaged cervix and uterus, as well as our baby. I was told today that I will no longer be able to have children.

I've also made the decision to sell all of my snakes, beardies, rats, and gerbils. [see the ad I'll be posting in the classifieds in the next few days for more info]. I don't have time for them any longer and now having to deal with these issues I'm afraid they will die if left in my care.

I most likely will not be back to after everything gets sold [I'll be at the april show to sell everything off if it's not sold before then].

You have been a great family for me these past months, and I've met quite a few people that I would consider friends.
Thank you Jeff and the team for giving me a place to "get away from it all" and a place that seems to care.

If you want to say anything to us please email me at as I won't be around any longer. We can be reached on MSN at [do NOT email at this addy as we don't check it], or on ICQ 133356583 or 1760501.

Again thank you so much for listening and caring.
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