Hello all, I am looking for some suggestions for active colubrid snakes. I am not looking for any kind of morphs. The things I want the most in the snake is activity level and beauty (activity > beauty). I have been looking at hognose snakes and everglades rats as they are found at my my favorite reptile shop. If the snake itself is generaly under 100$ that would be appreciated.
Also, The reptile shop also has a Taiwanese beauty snake for 150$. The setup would cost a ton more then a hoggie or an everglade rat but do you think it would be worth it? She is positively stunning, and they said she has an attitude ( I loves myself a feisty snake ). Thing is I am a "begginer" from most peoples standards, though I do have a very healthy and fiesty Black roughneck monitor lizard. My snake experience is with one garter and a BP heh. Do you think It would be worth all the effort and money to get a Tai beauty? The draw here is that I can pick her up from the store and don't need to pay for shipping. Blah I'm rambling, I'm not good at speaking. responses appreciated thanks.