Originally Posted by Corey209
What's wrong with putting work into something? He/she could easily get a top made for it and make it a very nice showcase in the house.. Especially if they put a colubrid like a corn snake inside because there's really not much management.
I'm perfectly aware of that. Like I said, it's my opinion. I apologized for my first statement that was made as more of a "do this" than "I would do this in my experience".
And also, you are pressing me with all of this, but in the long run, there's still the possibility that OP doesn't like corn snakes, and isn't
TOO intent on having a "showcase animal". You never know.
(I put emphasis on the "TOO" as you would most likely argue that owning a 130 gallon tank would only lead to the obvious conclusion that he prefers showcase animals.)
Feel free to call me Roman

~~My Girls~~
0.1 Central American Boa (Het. Caramel)
0.1 Harlequin Colombian Boa
0.1 Albino Radiated Ratsnake