Monitors: Deserving of respect (xrays included)
So I write this now with one hand, preface the story with my monitor bumped his nose rather hard against a rock in his viv while death shaking a dead rat, this caused a cut that the vet said some tripple anitbiotics would help. I attempted to put some on his nose but here is where it went south. He bit- and hard. While I attempted to remove my hand he latched harder.
I was 100% in the wrong. I do not blame him, as he was just being a monitor lizard that was irritated. It took a little bit of vinigar in his mouth before he let go and by this point I was sick and in a lot of pain. Childbirth was not that bad. I ended up going to the er because I honestly thought he broke my thumb. He bit so hard i felt something SNAP. The swelling was emence right away and I was rolling in the floor in agony.
I have never broken anything ever but this felt like I had. After some xrays ( i will be uploading the copies here so you can see some damage done ) showed no fractures as ofd yet so I am splinted and antibiotic-ed up.
Learn from my pain and my fault- monitors CAN and DO cause great injury. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be aware of this and give them the utmost respect because I so far got lucky. I will need to see a hand specilist. Now note my monitor is small. Those thinking about or already own larger monitors be aware the damage they can inflict. I have learned from this. I in no way blame him but I am now on the road to be more aware of his body language and trying to understand these prehistoric marvels.
Xrays will hopefully be uploaded tomorrow as I asked for a digital copy to give a first hand, har har hand, account of damage they can inflict when irritated or otherwise bothered. As for the antibiotic ointment? I will be wearing leather gloves to apply anything in the future and have decided its best to just handle him with leather gloves as well. Their teeth are vicious.