Originally Posted by KORBIN5895
Forget it maggot. He has all of the answers. He is infallible.
@ Corey
Pretty slick pal. You took in a free snake then traded it off for your gain? Impressive. Really impressive.
While I don't think he's the sharpest tool in the shed or the greatest herp owner in the world, in this
particular instance, I don't think he's done anything wrong. If I were to adopt a snake because someone couldn't care for it and then was offered a trade in which I could acquire something I really wanted, I would probably do it. I understand your desire to take issue with him, but that doesn't mean you have to take issue with every single thing he says or does, as you obviously tend to do with people you don't like. I doubt, if anyone else was saying they were going to do this, you'd make such a fuss.