Bredding whites tree frogs...age? and teckniques??
Ok so I have 2 whites at the moment. Had them since march they must have been about a year old maybe more by now. Im pretty sure one is a male and one is a female. The male croaks all the time!!! female never heard croak. Although they are similar in size I beleive I have one of each. Anyway I heard that it is possible to breed at this young age. I was thinking of feeding thgem lots of pinkies and crickets over next 3 weeks and getting them nice and fat. They already have good weight each weighing about 35 grams. I have a lamp on 14 hours a day bringing temps in cage between 80-90 and at night its 68-70. So i was thinking after 3 weeksd of feeding dropping temps over course of 2 weeks to a constant mid 60's and covering there cage for complete darkness. I will mist maybe once a week and offer some crickets once in a while...leave them like that for about a month then bring them back to normal temps over 2 weeksa again and offering plenty of foods. then 2 weeks of feeding I have a 10 gallon tank with 4 inches of water heated to 83 degrees as well as drift wood and live plants...IM going to get a little submersible rain pumpm to run 6 hours a night....Ifg im right within 5 days they should lay eggs right? Does all this sound ok? Is it posible for them to read at a year old? Or should I wait until next year? Thanks for the help