11-20-12, 02:31 PM
Join Date: Dec-2010
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 2,787
Profile: Prometheus
For this entry, we are profiling Prometheus, one of four young adults we are considering promoting to breeder status for next year.
Prometheus was born in September 2009. He was named for the legendary hero who stole fire from the gods, a reference to his infusion of burning color into the Living Gems lineup.
Here is Prometheus as of May 2010, in a (slightly washed-out) photo not long after he arrived at Living Gems:
In May 2012, he was selected for and featured on Variant B of the Living Gems 2013 calendar:
Here he is as of September 2012, on the occasion of his third birthday.
Prometheus currently weights 1579 grams. If he can reach 1650 or more, he will be promoted to active breeder status.
Thank you for reading,
Cliff Earle
Living Gems Reptiles
Premium Brazilian Rainbow Boas from a disease-tested facility
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