Originally Posted by StudentoReptile
I like MVBs, but I didn't suggest them in this case because I wasn't sure how large the tank was. They do not come in small wattage sizes, and a 100+ watt heat bulb (UV or not) may be too much for two hatchling RES. Of course, that is up to the keeper to decide with their particular set-up, using a temp gun.
The setup is just a plastic tub that's maybe 6" deep. It's just temporary, of course. When I found out I'd be getting them, I just ran out to the dollar store and got a plastic tub, and cut out the inside of the lid and put wire in it. (Today is Sunday, so virtually nothing will be open until tomorrow, and I'm hoping to get them today.) I would have liked to have gotten something deeper, but they had only that and ones that were
super deep, and I didn't want to risk that I wouldn't be able to keep it warm enough if it was too deep. Plus they're only maybe 1 1/2" long. As soon as I can, I'll transfer them to something bigger with more water and a filter.
Speaking of which, as I don't have a filter right now (and the water is going to be pretty shallow), would an air pump be of any benefit?
Originally Posted by StudentoReptile
I would get a 5.0 ReptiSun (that's Zoo Med brand) tube florescent light strip. Those are the best ones. Have this on about 12 hrs a day.
*I do NOT suggest getting the compact florescent bulbs. There is much debate on whether or not these bulbs cause blindness in turtles & tortoises. Some keepers claim that they do. Conclusive results are pending, but most savvy hobbyists would say to avoid them just the same.
For heat, I would use any appropriately-wattage basking bulb or CHE (ceramic heat emitter). I like the CHEs because I can leave them on 24/7.
So there's no reliable bulb that does both? Not to be cheap or anything, but I'm really broke right now and still will need to pay for a vet visit, and I have no idea how I'm gonna do that. Anyone want to buy a 150w CHE that I'm not using? .___.