Please help... I want to understand.
Hello everyone, thanks for taking the time to read this.
I have a soft spot for water snakes, so when I saw that a yellow bellied one was being terribly abused, I had to help... The owner wouldnt alter the cage requirements well enough to actually help the animal, so I ended up adopting it. However, I am not too experienced with snake illnesses, and would really appreciate your help!
I'd simply like to hear what you see as being wrong with the animal... I know its had a few TERRIBLE sheds, but Im worried about mites and scale rot.
Can you give me any advice? Or potential illnesses this may be?
(Trying to attach photos... might not have worked.)
0.1.0 Blue Ribbon [Lady]
0.0.1 Nerodia erythrogaster yellow [Mir]
0.1.0 Nerodia fasciata [Babu]