Originally Posted by Aaron_S
This piece of garbage is no reason or excuse to NOT properly think ahead. "Hey, we don't touch snakes for hours after eating but it's OKAY to take a drive across town after a stress force/assist feeding."
You're the last person I would ever ask for advice.
I wouldn't give you advice if my life depended on it. Your arrogance still amazes me and it blinds you the hateful self that you are.
Originally Posted by Aaron_S
For more advice, RMF, even though you want a lavender get some big girl panties on and research where to find one. I'm POSITIVE I can find you 3 that can be shipped to you for cheap.
You outdid yourself yet again. Wow!
Originally Posted by Aaron_S
Oh, I'm sorry, I bet you want the dirt cheap ones at shows.
She was not expecting to find this one and when she did find it, she was so excited aboiut it, I decided to get it for her. So much for holding out for the "super cheap ones" at the shows. I dont even care what you say anyway. Your arrogance oozes all over your posts. I dont even know why I even feel the need to call you out on it. I know from what perspective you operate on and Ive known it for a long time. Oh wait, I know why. You smell blood and you want in on this attack just to satisfy your own ego.
Originally Posted by Aaron_S
This is the only constructive thing you said in this post and it took major sifting through all the sarcasm and condemnation to be able to pull anything good out of your post. Thanks a lot!
Originally Posted by Aaron_S
You didn't have to wait so long and then lose so much by getting the one from the show.
"shoulda woulda coulda". This is most of what you said in this post and for the most part is soo unproductive. But then thats just like you and really even now in all my amazement of what you are capable of, only confirms to me just how hateful you are. I wrtite you off from here on out. Nothing you can say ever until you are blue in the face can ever have ANY relevance to me or anything I say or do. So let it be written. So let it be done.