tackling nesting/options
well i posted this on another forum as well just figured i'd broaden the feedback/suggestions.
this is for v. melinus
my guys are gertting close to ~21in at my last measurement so i was wondering the best way to go about getting the adult enclosure ready for the females
currently in their enclosure i am using an organic soil containing peat with a "leaflitter" mixture of coconut husks/bark mixed with coconut fiber. i can snap some pics if it would help. i guess the question is this.
"...and was deposited
in the above described natural tree trunk half-filled with
peat soil, foliage and a layer of sphagnum moss."
-taken from Biawak Vol. 4 Num. 3
it's later reported one of the females died from sepsis at age 7.
the question: should i provide another nesting area/option as well? if so what should i go with? i know only the girls will decide if its suitable but my goal is to not have to lose one or both of them due to poor nesting options. thanks.