Mentally challenged retic?
So I'm starting to believe that my baby lav tiger I got a couple months ago isn't the brightest thing out there. First off, after I give her a mouse, she'll constrict it, then while looking for the head, start trying to eat herself by biting her own body (there's tons of bite marks from all the spots where she bit herself). Then when she can't find the head, she'll just wander away and forget about the mouse the entire night. Now I'll give her the mouse, she'll constrict, not find the head, bite herself muktipke times, then wander away, I grab the mouse again, she strikes, constricts, wanders away and this will go on for like 4 or 5 more tries until finally she'll actually bite the head or find the head and start eating. Sometimes she'll grab the head in the perfect spot for swallowing but still let go and lose the head while searching for it again. Is my snake just stupid? I've never had a retic have so much trouble feeding before.
1.0 '08 sunfire retic, 0.1 '12 lavender albino tiger retic, 1.0 '12 platinum retic, 0.1 '14 goldenchild het albino retic, 1.0 '16 anthrax retic, 0.1 '16 graniteback het anthrax retic, 0.1 '16 normal HOGS retic, 1.1 amel atrox, 0.0.1 Nile monitor, 0.0.1 blue tailed monitor, 0.0.1 Mexican beaded lizard