My fiance and I were holding some of my bp's yesterday, and I was holding Medusa for a while. I always check my snakes over when I hold them, and I noticed on his belly that he has a scale where the edge is flaky and a rusty red, and I'm 95% certain that its scale rot. I checked his cage and hadn't noticed before that he peed in his hide, and I honestly don't know how long he's been sitting in it. I replaced the bedding immediately. He's not acting sensitive or odd, but I'm very concerned for him.
He was my very first snake, and I know that scale rot can be very serious. I checked him over and its only on one scale, is there anything I can treat him with? I have a bottle of iodine and plain neosporin. I feel awful about this, I know its my fault. I have the money for the vet if he needs to go, but I have no idea if he needs to.