I fed my retic on monday. Hes only like 4 1/2ft and 600 grams. Well the pet shop gave me a "medium rat" that wasnt so medium and I hadnt really noticed until I got home. The rat was almost 300 grams. Anyway my tic did his thing and went to eat it but then stopped eventually. about an hour later io came back and it was gone so he must have ate eventually and the lump was HUUUGE! Asd you can see I took these pictures today 4 days later and it still looks quite large. Im pretty sure hes past the point 4 days later where he might regurgitate but I just wanna kno wwill he be ok? Is this normal? I deciced I wont feed him again until after he sheds which is usually like clock work around the end of the month, Any help would be gerat guys thank you