Here's a thread for posting your entire snake wish list-be sure to include hots if you want! I'll kick it off by posting my own. I would kinda prefer if you posted the common AND scientific names, but it's whatever. :P
1. Sumatran short-tail python/
Python curtus
2. T- Albino blood python/
Python brongersmai
3. Argentine boa/
Boa constrictor occidentalis
4. True red-tail boa/
Boa constrictor constrictor
5. Amazon tree boa/
Corallus hortulanus
6. Another Asian vine snake/
Ahaetulla sp. (or twelve!)

7. A buttload of cool locality boas/
Boa constrictor imperator
8. A bunch of cool ball pythons/
Python regius
9. Mangrove snake/
Boiga dendrophila
10. Burmese python/
Python molurus bivittatus
11. Emerald tree boa/
Corallus caninus
12. Retic/
Python reticulatus
13. Brazilian rainbow boa/
Epicrates cenchria cenchria
14. Bush viper/
Atheris squamigera
15. Gaboon viper/
Bitis gabonica
16. King cobra/
Ophiophagous hannah
17. Hognose snake/
Heterodon sp.
...And that's all I can think of off the top of my head!