Well me and my roommate thought we had a brown recluse in the dorm a few days ago. It escaped and was left unconfirmed. Well that same spider showed up again this evening and this time i was successful in not alarming it, allowing some amateur study and research.
Here is the closest / clearest photo I could get, this is its underside.
It's missing a few halves of some legs, but isn't lacking the fore or hind legs. Its behavior is looking exactly like what several sites have said; Hanging upside down in three dimensional webs that appear to have no order, and nocturnal.
This is a photo I found online of a clearer Steatoda grossa,
If what I believe is correct, the one in my home is a female, and quite possibly I have found one of her babies!
This little tyke is about the size of a grain of sand, also hanging upside down in a similar web.
I dislike spiders in my home... But I unfortunately do not have any disposable cups to catch her and take her outside, so until I can find a way to easily transport her without dropping her I'll leave her be. No worry about my roommate killing her, she's more terrified than I am.