Snake Rack Opinions?
What's everyone's take in using racks/tubs instead of a cage type enclosure? Personally, I'm torn on which way to think. Part of me feels they're unethical due to size. Another part of me feels that they can provide a nice calm environment for the snakes. Let's hear your thought, opinions, etc.
2 Black Rats,2 Retics,2 Texas Indigo,1 Albino Chinese Beauty,1 Bull,1 Black Milk,1 YT Cribo,1 Albino Garter,5 Corn Snakes,1 Brooksi,1 VBB,1 MBK,1 Bairds Rat,1 Albino Cal King,1 Pied BP,1 Dumerils Boa,2 Rattlesnakes