Reptile Palooza with GatorBoys Sept 8th Pocono Mtn PA Seminar Schedule
The seminar schedule for Reptile Palooza with the Gator Boys on Sept 8th in Pocno Mountain Pa is as follows.
9:30 AM - GatorBoys Alligator Wrestling (VIP ticket Holders Only)
10:30 AM - Arachnids! Spiders and Beyond! By Arachnids RVA
11:00 AM - Learn about Dart Frogs by Zach Brinks of Josh's Frogs
11:30 AM - Terrarium Set Up by George the Fish Guy
12:00 AM - Pythons of Austrailia by Rouge Reptiles
12:30 PM - GatorBoys Alligator Wrestling
1:30 PM - Arachnids! Spiders and Beyond! By Arachnids RVA
2:00 PM - Learn about Dart Frogs by Zach Brinks of Josh's Frogs
2:30 PM - Terrarium Set Up by George the Fish Guy
3:00 PM - Pythons of Austrailia by Rouge Reptiles
3:30 PM - GatorBoys Alligator Wrestling
4:30 PM - Living Dinosaurs by Squamata Unlimited