Monty+Pregnany fiance=salmonella baby?
Long story short my fiance and I recently found out we were(are) pregnant, being my mother's first grandchild she's going a little crazy. She's recently started calling me and emailing me information regarding reptile born salmonella and cases of newborns and young children being stricken by it and salmonella related maladies. My question to you all is how valid are her concerns? I know many/most of you have children and families so I figured this would be the best place to go for answers rather than asking the angry faced old lady that's serving as medical adviser/midwife for my fiance who will likely respond simply based on bias. My dilemma, I haven't spent the time and money on improving Monty's living conditions merely to send him away, I don't know that I can guarantee that his next home will show the same commitment, and after seeing his change in attitude and behavior neither of us want to see the "little" guy go. On the same token I can't risk the health and well-being of my unborn child if the concerns are valid.