Well, Turns out my mother, who is terrified of snakes, knows a person whos daughter is a Vet, With more herp experience than any of the local Vets, So, A quick trip to Oceanside, and a few hours in a waiting room here is what happened
Ama's Jaw is Fortunately NOT broken, What happened was she somehow managed to Hook 3 of her teeth into her Lower lip Resulting in her being Unable to Properly Align her Jaw
After some talking and Debate, She decided Tob offer Ama a Rather Large rat (bigger than usual but stilll within reason) Despite having eaten so recently, Ama being the hearty Girl that she Is, Chowed down with Glee, Afterwords upon inspection her teeth appeared to have worked their way out of her lip (most likely while nomming the large rodent)
She reccomended i keep an eye on her, and watch for constipation and regurge due to the meal size, and to Try Covering the enclosure Front with something along the lines of a sound proofing panel to cut down on stimulus after eating, and provided she doesnt continue striking Glass, She should be just Fine, She is blue Right now, So The pictures i will be taking and uploading soon wont be Great, But she looks Much better
As always thank you for your time and Feedback