The varanus salvadorii thread - Croc Monitors
new to this forum but someone directed me here. He thought there maybe someone on here he thinks is called Vincent who has had success with breeding croc monitors. I keep a pair myself been keeping croc monitors for far few years now (though not these two) I have a far amount of knowledge on them but wanting to get other keepers advice. My pair have been introduced a few times but only the most recent time they mated a number of times over 2 days, on my youtube if you want to see. basicly I'm after advice from ONLY PEOPLE WHO HAVE BRED THEM. what I'm wanting to know is:
what did the female end up laying her eggs in? eg substrate, size, temp
how long from copulation to egg laying?
what temperature did you incubate your eggs at?
for how long?
and any other extra advice you think I may need.
Like I said I got a ruff idea but any first hand knowledge is gladly taken on board to guide me at all.