I have a northern water snake, and just yesterday his head started twitching uncontrollably.. I've been keeping watching and it's fine when he isn't moving, but when he starts moving/twitching.. This is just a recent thing I believe. Granted I just got him back after a month but the first couple of days he was here he wasn't doing this.. so I don't know what to do.
The twitching makes me think neurological.. but he's never had previous issues and I don't know what could have caused something sudden like that..
Has this happened to someone before? Or heard of this at least?
- Kayla
"To fear death, is to limit life." - EMC Monkeys
1 Northern Water Snake, 1 Snowflake Carpet Python, 1 Jungle/Jaguar Carpet, 1 Albino Ball Python, 1 Garter Snake, 1.1 Savannah Monitor