So I was thinking about the whole issue with glass tanks & screened tops, heat and humidity loss, and all that.
Got me thinking...obviously you couldn't use these for some reptiles (mainly snakes and arboreal geckos), but to help curb the heat/humidity loss, could one just use a full hood for aquariums?
Aqueon® Incandescent Full Economy Aquarium Hood - Lighting & Hoods - Fish - PetSmart
Shoot if someone could play with the design a little, they probably could come up with something more reptile-friendly: a completely (or almost?) closed top, with the light fixture(s) built in.
Yeah most of us veterans could easily build something for far less than the projected retail of such a product, but if someone got the design right and marketed it well, it would revolutionalize the "store bought" reptile kit. No more screen tops with dome lamps sitting on top!