Originally Posted by lady_bug87
See I get really defensive when I read posts like this. When I started keeping I didn't know there was an alternative to screentops and as a result I have many some have been given to me (for free) and some I bought myself. Though I agree that they aren't necessarily the "best" choice I dont think they're the demons of the enclosure world.
No need to get defensive. Until recently, I kept both my ball pythons in screen top tanks. I didn't know any better then either. Now that I know what's better, why not pass that information on to someone new? Now that mine are in boaphile cages, I don't have a single husbandry issue (whereas I used to struggle with humidity). Don't take my comments personally. I'm just handing out good, valid information.
My Ball python, RTB, bullsnake, lizards, and GTP are ALL in screentops I won't lie I have had issues but nothing major and very far spaced between.
what are the sorts of issues you're struggling with? This is why I quickly and happily switched out of tanks and now barely (if ever) worry about husbandry. I just want others to be able to have the ease I have found in getting out of glass tank enclosures.
To the OP use what you have to work with. If you're worried about warmth as long as the UTH is working and on a thermostat the snake will be warm. Saran covering 2/3 of the lid will help the humidity problem (provided there is one which I saw no evidence of in the initial post)
Fine advice.