It's my pleasure to have joined this new community, and I can't wait to meet some new people and learn new information.
I am not a current snake owner, but I'm planning on getting snake in the (near) future. I have had a snake before, but she didn't last long. Before my dad gave her to me, she started skipping the occasional meal. Next thing I know, she wouldn't eat at all and died.
But, that was a scenario I had no control over. I'm 4 years older now, and am doing what I can to ensure this doesn't happen again.
Anyway, her name had been Zippo, so hinthint.
I'm looking forward to owning a ball python, so to all the ball python enthusiasts out there - I'd like to get to know you.
My life consists of:
- being 19
- owning two horses
- having a feline
- loving 3 female rats
I also wanna make the quick statement that I do understand the conflict of owning snakes and rats together. I intend to keep both cages extraordinarily clean and very much out of site and mind of each other to prevent stress on both species.
And that's my lame introduction!