New cage set up.
Hay guys and gals. Well I am in the works for a new custom snake cage for my BRB, Dimensions are as follow. 4' LONG x 2' High x 2' DEEP all made from presure treated wood. My biggest issue is the UTH. I came across a acrylic sheeting called chemcast GP that is about 1/4" thick and am not sure if it will melt or stress crack with the heat amited by the UTH.
I have done some research and it clames that it can withstand heat up to 200 degrees and can be shaped at 900 degrees, but then when I read up on the UTH it says not to use with acrylic tanks.
I need help trying to figure this out, also how hot do the UTH get? and do BRB's need uvb and uva light. I am planing to usr red L.E.D for night and cool white L.E.D for day time with a ceramice heat bulb.
Mind you this acrylic it white not clear. I dont think it will make a differance but just so you guys know.