Re: First Time Mother....
Originally Posted by TremTricolors
I'll be around, it's only 60 days give a take a couple. She laid a total of 7 eggs so hopefully I get some nice black and white desert banded kings.....I have always liked them the best,too.... Even though that killer "tiger Morph" John L. has is really sweet too.
I may not have said that right. I meant, I hope you're around to witness them hatching so you can take pics to share
0.1.1 '11 Normal Royal Pythons 0.2 '11 Albino Burms 0.2 Rescue Dumeril's Boas (approx 4yrs old) 0.1 '11 Colombian Boa (BCI) 0.1 '11 Cali King 0.1.0 JCP 0.1 '12 borneo 1.0 rose hair T 1.0 cat 1.1 Kids 1.0 Boyfriend