How much cold can snakes survive?
I know that Garters can survive at 36 degrees...only slightly above freezing...and still live.
I know Wayne can attest to this!
But I also know some people have experienced snake deaths, when the power has gone out, or the snake has been missing heat for a little while. How cold and for how long?
I worry because a couple of times now, since moving the house around, some of my set-ups have been messed up. I check all the time now, but still...the one time i don't...
27 snakes (7 sand boas, 4 hognose, 5 ball pythons, 1 bolivian boa, 2 dumeril's boas, 2 carpet pythons, 5 garters, 1 corn snake), 1 cave spider, 9 tarantulas, 1 tokay gecko, 2 dogs, 2 frogs, emperor scorpions 1,000 dubia roaches, & tons of fish.