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Old 05-05-12, 12:09 PM   #1
Kiljosh's Avatar
Join Date: Jul-2011
Location: PA
Age: 38
Posts: 259
New PC, Im back

So my PC took a dump on me a month or so ago and I finally got my new rig up and running

Sorry for the absence I should be around more often.

Updates since I've been on...

Well Noodle my King was regurging his food and I took him to the vet who claimed he was "a gorgeous snake and in great health." So 80 bucks later I had nothing to help me after his vet appointment. He told me to try feeding him smaller meals more often.

So far it has worked. He has held down his past couple meals. I have been smushing up pinkies and giving him one every 3 days or so, mainly when I see him out hunting. Mixing the crushed pinky with probitoic for reptiles/birds. Hes regaining weight and looks better everyday.

Stubbs is still a chubby guy and a big baby.

Taquito has just moved on from house breaking and acclimation to handling and trying to tame him. He is full of fire(hes a Fire Skink lol) and can be nippy but I'm working with him once a week for about 10minutes taking him out and letting him run around. Hes very territorial and whenever I go into his cage to do maintenance he likes to snort at me and act like a tough guy. He bites, but it doesn't hurt so i'm hoping as he grows into an adult he'll leave his baby habits of biting behind.

See you all around.
0.0.1 Ball Python (Stubbs)
1.0.1 Cali Bannana King (Noodle) Mexican Black King(DB)
1.0 Fire Skink (Taquito)
0.1 Border Collie/Husky mix (Zoey)
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