got my new rtb!
Well I had chosen two species and narrowed it down to a columbian rtb baby. Then I had decided on just a plain Jane boa.... when I got an email from a guy about an albino male he was looking to revoke with a recessed eye injured from shavings..... so I went and took a look at it this morning and.... its mine!!
I paid $30 for the little guy who is a little underweight ( no biggie) he must eat good as he took a gigantic dump on me at work today. And his eye problem def looks to be a genetic defect as it lacks pigment and is recessed but can move as usual still not sure exactly if he can see or not. But he is such a little sweetheart.
I will post pics tomorrow asap.
Also need a good male snake name.
Proud owner of
2.2 ferrets - 1.1 bearded dragons - 1.0 Texas map - 0.1 diamondback terrapin - 1.0 Hypo RTB