Is my Goini getting overweight?
So when we bought KJ he was being fed a "maintenance" diet of 1 adult mouse every 10 days. He always seemed a bit to placid for a king to me. Well I decided to up his food size after we had him a few months. To my suprise he took a small rat almost double the size of the mice before that. Well he became more active and actualy sits in the warm hide now. Completely different snake now. But I do worry about him getting fat. He will never refuse a meal and has the feeding responce of a retic. Lol. So I had him out for a spot clean today and snapped a shot in a holding tub. Is he fat or just thickening now that he is being fed instead of teased? Its easier for me to judge my Boas or carpets but I am not 100% on KJ so I thought I would get your oppinions thanks!!
0.1 BCI 1.1.2 Jungle Carpet Pythons 1.0 Jungle Jag 1.0 Goins King Snake 0.1 Leopard Gecko 0.1 Albino Gopher Snake 1.0 Pastel Ball Python