So when I first decided to build my own enclosures for both my male and especially my female JCPs( so yes 2 identical enclosures) I had planned to go all out. Insulate them, custom glass ect. But after a while I thought hell for that money I could just buy one from a custom builder and ship it. So I reconsidered what I was going to do and decided to try to go high quality lowest possible cost. Or close to it. So I bought my wood to start. I will update this thread with progress pics and keep a running total cost in each post. It will take me honnestly a couple weeks to do this as I do work long hours.
All costs in Canadian $$
Ok post 1:
Got the wood and some other supplies to get started.
3 full sheets of 3/4" melemine both sides good. $90
Had them cut in half to fit in my van.
I also grabbed these odds and ends to the tune of $67
So todays total so far
Stay tuned!!