Advice on New BP Home
It's time to upgrade my BP tank from his little 20gal that can barely fit to 2 hides and his water bowl to something a little bigger. I was told a 40 Breeder was the the next(and final) step up for a BP. So i have a couple of questions.
1. What are the WxDxH of a typical 40 breeder? Does 40 Breeder mean 40Gallon tank?
2. I was at petsmart and i saw a cool ExoTerra for $179, i like the front opening (as i hate picking up my Goldie from above) Are ExoTerra' Terrariums good?
3. What's the typical Price of a 40 Breeder?
More questions may come to mind but these would help me get started in my search for a new living arrangement for my BP
1.0 Pastel BP (Goldie)