First of all, forgive me for grouping them all together in one picture thread. I'm being lazy, not to mention exhausted from working so much.
Hope you guys enjoy!
Here's FatButt. I kinda sorta rescued him from Petsmart almost a year ago. He was a wee little thing, kind of on the scrawny side but he's growing nicely. He's unsexed, but we call him male lol
Another pic with a can so you can see his size.
This is my daughter's royal, Hanajima. She was purchased from Bob Clark along with my son's royal.
Here's Gaia, my son's royal
Both are females and are really good animals. The only issue I have with them is they both won't switch to rats yet, but will eat multiple mice but only every other week. For the life of me, I cannot get them to eat weekly, whether I offer live or f/t. So, they're not growing as well as I would like, but they eat, so really I'm happy.
Here is our Peruvian Rainbow Boa. She was nippy as hell when we first got her. I have never seen a snake literally launch themselves like a spring until her. I've considered naming her Spring because of it. When we first got her, everytime I opened her tub, she launched herself at me like a spring uncoiling, then try to bite anything that moved until I got her back in her tub lol. She's calmed down ALOT since then and is a real pleasure to handle. She's very curious but not flighty and has a great temperament when handling now.
She always has her tail wrapped around something, even if it's herself.