I found my first herps of the year on March 10th. The salamanders were found in extreme SW British Columbia.
I will start by showing you the habitat:
DSCN6158 by
AJherps, on Flickr
These were the first two that I flipped:
DSCN6163 by
AJherps, on Flickr
DSCN6162 by
AJherps, on Flickr
Here is a more orange looking western red back:
DSCN6194 by
AJherps, on Flickr
I found a total of 6 salamanders! I also decided to put together another video to show:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rotvHg-tbk]First Herps of the Season:
Western Red-Backed Salamanders - YouTube
Thanks for looking