toads with snake??
Hi everyone. I am trying to set up a really cool natural vivarium for my new columbian red tail boa. I've been doing a lot of research on it. I'm going to have all live plants. I want to have a big pond in there with 1 or 2 little half a inch or smaller fish. Also, I'm going to try to make bioactive substrate by putting worms and rolly pollies in the soil. I'm in florida right now and there are all these little tiny toads everywere that can't be bigger than half an inch. I was woundering if I put some crickets in the tank if the toads could live in there to?? Would the crickets or the toads hurt the snake?? I'm not worried about the snake hurting them. I'm pretty sure a 2 and a half foot snake wouldn't try hunting a half inch toad.