Got my first dubias
100 mixed bag....and they are all SO small! THere's not one in there that is even an inch. I am so surprised. I really thought i'd be getting all sizes...i mean that's what Mixed meant, so i thought.
OH well, i am going to order some more that are large. I'll go ahead and start a colony with these, but i'm going to need to get a bunch of a adults since i want to move my pyxie frog to strictly insects. I thought, Oh boy they'll get here and i can start the feed, as well as breed! Boy was i mislead *lol*
Oh well, frog will get a few more fish, and i'll have to hit petsmart for crickets and worms for him and my crock skink. 60 gallon tank that houses my huge male (older) ball python is artfully placed on camoflauged cinder blocks on the floor (lol) so there is room underneith to slide a nice long not too tall sterilte tub right under it to be near his UTH. I need to hit petsmart anyway since i wasn't sure when they'd arrive and haven't bought cat or dog food yet for them. They are actually a lot cuter than i thought they'd be. I'm kind of indifferent to roaches, but hubby hates them so i made him put them away in a temporary tub while i made a show of eating a burger ...(that's why i couldn't deal with them..i was in the middle of a meal!!) hehee ain't i a stinker? hehe
27 snakes (7 sand boas, 4 hognose, 5 ball pythons, 1 bolivian boa, 2 dumeril's boas, 2 carpet pythons, 5 garters, 1 corn snake), 1 cave spider, 9 tarantulas, 1 tokay gecko, 2 dogs, 2 frogs, emperor scorpions 1,000 dubia roaches, & tons of fish.