A week in review...
This is going to be a new thing i hope catches on.. much like the "profile" type threads that were really started by Snakesitter, the "week in review" thread will be just a general update over the last week. pics, videos, and everything can be posted...
I will be doing this and updating every week, since i have now 13 snakes, and a bearded dragon, and maybe a Russian tortoise on Tuesday, it is easier to update everyone at one time...
So for me. 3-12-12----3-18-12.
nothing big for this week, i was very busy with schoool and work so there wasnt really many pics, but the biggest thing is that i got every single snake to eat F/T... except my female spider...
i even got my adult female to finally eat too! 1st time in about 3 months. she is a very picky eater and usually doesnt eat.
so i am very excited about that, also, got my baby rack for my BP finished, just need to get the back put on (still using it though)
as for the bearded dragon, he is still very timmid and does not like me touching him, however... i have started feeding him by hand a little by little and i will pet his head as he eats, and he seems to be getting better.
i will upload pics later on today. need to find my cord, but i got a few cool pics of my corn from last week. that is all that happened last week...
again, thanks for reading, and i hope this type of thread works out.