Hello everyone,
I live in the Detroit area and am new to the site. It looks like a good community for various reptiles, so I decided to register. I currently have 10 boa constrictors (Bcc and Bci) and am getting a couple pairs of garter snakes within a few months. I have a pair of neon blue Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis and a pair of blue Thamnophis sirtalis pickeringi paid for. I tried posting some pics of all my boas, but there were too many!!
I currently have:
1.0 "lipstick" sunglow
0.1 hypo motley het kahl albino
1.0 albino, 1 parent lipstick line
0.1 dh sunglow, 1 parent lipstick line
0.1 super hypo Nicaraguan
1.0 T+ Nicaraguan
2.2 Belem Brazil Bcc
Thanks for looking
p.s. let me know if you would like me to upload any images of the boas that interest you...apparently I cannot upload any more than 8 pics at a time