So I'm sitting here bored out of my mind and looking through my photobucket, and I found some work photos uploaded there. I thought I would share two from a photo shoot, along with a story.
We were booked five days through to do a multi-media session with a solo artist. He had four days in the recording studio working on his full length album. The next day he had a photo shoot. The entire time he spent with us, we
never saw his face. Other than him singing in the studio, we never heard him speak. He communicated with an iPad. Very interesting and cool guy. He has great music, so be on the lookout for him soon!
Anyway, these are two of the finished photos of Esgal G. Lethifold.
This first one is the one that he is using for promotional purposes.
This second one, even though it's pretty similar, is actually a slightly different angle. This one is going to be the cover art of his album.