Olive is not a girl
I just found out Olive is a boy for sure he is a boy he tried humping my cat that was one I never saw coming no pun intended. I guess he is a really Pussy cat hound. Anyways now that is cleared up I have a couple quick questions one do they make lizard condoms nah just kidding real question do lizard go in the water to pull out fish or do I have to take them out of the water for him? Question number two I have read and been told that I need to make the side of my pen deeper to about two feet so he can dig more... I have had him in this pen for about I guess maybe 4 to 5 months pretty much the whole winter and He has yet to even dig down an inch never mind a foot or two.. If he chooses not to burrow does this mean it is a waist of time making it deeper it is about maybe a foot now and I have never seen him dig honestly he really never even goes on that side of the pen as you can see from the pics he has a place to hide where he is most comfortable and a place to run around chasing bugs and I let him run around the living room when I want to let him excercise plus the frequent swimming times that I let him. He is not lazy in any way but I just can't help but wonder if maybe he just does not feel the need to burrow...