01-04-12, 11:16 PM
Join Date: Jan-2012
Posts: 1
Hello from California!
I am a snake newb that has been raised by a snake fearing mother all my life and decided to give in to my curiousity. My man-friend has also been raised by a mother with more than a little fear of snakes but he is so very less interested (I love him, but I think he's scared ).
Anyway, I started reading the forum on my quest to find more info for ball pythons. I am a teacher and my BP is in my classroom (which is less than a half mile away so I can go whenever needed). Sex is still to be determined, but the name is Kaa (so not original I'm sure). And yes I am aware Kaa from the Jungle Book was a Black Tail and not a Ball
Cant wait to absorb your info!