Reptile Supplies
Where do you guys usually shop online for your supplies? Everything from water dishes, tongs, thermometers, flexwatt.....everything. I'm trying to find a good place to buy some more supplies online.
Also, where is everyone getting there f/t feeders? I didn't care for the last place I got mine because the bags busted when I put them in the freezer so I had to put the feeders in new freezer zip lock bags. Years ago I used Rodent Pro and was looking to see if anyone else can meet or beat the price and/or quality.
Thank you!
0.1.1 '11 Normal Royal Pythons 0.2 '11 Albino Burms 0.2 Rescue Dumeril's Boas (approx 4yrs old) 0.1 '11 Colombian Boa (BCI) 0.1 '11 Cali King 0.1.0 JCP 0.1 '12 borneo 1.0 rose hair T 1.0 cat 1.1 Kids 1.0 Boyfriend