Wish me Good Luck with my Parents
I put up a post a while back because I havent been on here for a bit. This post said that my parents said I could get a snake because I did all the things you guys said. I made a essay and thats what made them say yes but now they rethought it. They said that I can get another izard instead because they think that if I care about it that much then I can find a lizard that I like. They already said no to the legless lizards so tried that to. Im not going to give up that easy and what im asking is, Do you guys and gals have any other ideas to get a snake.
I am moving to the basement of my house soon and I would like to get it then. I said that I would get a freezer for my room for the mice because my dad doesnt want them in the kitchen freezer. I also keep telling them all this stuff that I know about them and they just say, "Thats Cool". As you know Christmas is coming up and if I could convince them and keep them convinced then that would awesome. Then they could get it for christmas.