My burm is constipated...she has done this before and warm baths do not help out at all...Last time she went I had to put a lil mineral oil on the rat then fed it to her.She went a few days later a nice big one.she has had one urate since then and that was almost 3 weeks ago and the crap bout 4 weeks ago.I believe somebody had fed her a live rat(she doesnt live with me) and now she afraid to strike...I have to leave a pre killed in tank alone and then she eats it.any suggestions bout constipation?I don't mind the feeding less chance of her being hurt...also she hasn't she quite awhile she keeps eating but no shed?i got her in August not from a breeder or anything and I figured her age to be bout a month or so since it was only bout 20-22 inches or so and kinda thin too.