The day after I got Ananta, I went to Khuno's breeder to figure out prey size, ect. She sent me home with 1 rat fuzzy for week 1 (last week) as Ananta regurged the previous meal (according to her previous owner), for week 2-3 she sent me home with juvi mice and then for week 4 onward, she sent home full grown mice.
This week we gave her her first juvi mouse, it SEEMED like she had some difficulty getting it down, but that could have been due to angle, when I grabbed it by the tail to straighten it out for her, it went down more easily. However, I can't seem to see her taking a larger item in only 2 weeks.
Here are some pics of her last feeding, maybe you can help decide whether to move her up a food size or leave it where she for the time being. I will also add pics of the thickness of the snake and the 2 prey sizes a little later on.