When does it become hoarding?
It seems with reptiles and other "tank" type animals like reptiles there doesn't seem to be a big of a thing if someone owns a lot of them. If someone had 30+ cat or dog...or even rabbits, chickens ect. they might be called a hoarder. But it seems with reptiles someone might own that many without being called one.
This is spurred from a commercial I saw where they are talking about animal hoarding and someone is calling a guy who owns 27 venomous snakes a hoarder...but to me I don't really see that as hoarding.
So what do you think the line is between collector or breeder and the dreaded hoarder?
If you can't provide the facts and experience DON'T provide the criticism.
-1.0.0 Bearded Dragon-0.1.0 Western Hognose-0.2.0 Leopard Gecko-0.2.0 Dumbo Rat-