Re: Why waste money on heat lamps?
Wow, lots of [pointless] drama here. To each their own. Not going to chime in here too much just going to point some things out.
You should have expected replies like this considering that you did ask a question, albeit seemingly rhetorical. But now you've gotten your answers. Accept such answers and don't badger people for their opinion.
I use a heat lamp and over 70% of my cage is covered from the light anyway. My snake doesn't have any health issues, and I doubt she minds the light because she doesn't try to hide from it. I'm switching over to CHE as soon as I'm a little more well off financially. For now, I use what I have to make sure that the snake stays warm. Her tank never falls below 80 degrees and it's usually 80-85, reaching up to about 90 degrees on a very hot day.
0.0 BP "Schnitzel" / 0.1 dog / 1.0 leopard geckos / 0.3.8 cats ... RIP: Ricardo, Squish, China, Theodora, Cecil. Berserkette, and Schnitzel.