General Feeding question
My daughter's hatchling corn is very small due to feeding problems when we first got him......Now that he is finally eating....two succesful feedings.....I have read that I may want to feed him approx. every 4 days rather than once every week till he gets a little size on him. Anyone have an opinion on that?
As for my little boa.....he is about 3 months old and I was giving him fuzzies, but he had a small mouse on this past Saturday and did fine. I have read where some people feed the younger snakes twice a week rather than once per week. Is that too much?
btw...I only feed f/t. Had to use a live pinky to get the little corn started and he is just a picky eater or something cause I have to cut the head off the pinky and let him eat that and then put the body in the box and he will eat that. If I put the whole pinky in with him, even if I puncture the head or whatever...he will not eat it!!! I'm gonna keep trying with the whole pinky first before cutting it in half. Next time I'm gonna slit the head open rather than just puncture it and see if he'll take it that way.